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Are You Guilty of These Top Content Promotion Sins?

By August 20, 2014October 22nd, 2020No Comments

Downhill arrowAfter the satisfying rush of finishing a blog post comes an aftermath of questions. How should I promote this piece?

Can I convert it to a different medium? What social media platform is the most successful for exposure? Before you know it, you’ve gone overboard and straight to committing content promotion sins.

Promoting your new blog post can take a number of wrong turns. Thoughtful promotion can lead to strengthening your brand and your relationship with clients.

If your newest campaign checks off anything from the list of content promotion sins below, consider yourself guilty!

No Goal In Sight

If you haven’t chosen a specific goal for your promoted piece, why bother? Aimless choices will lead your and your brand nowhere.

Outline a clear, measurable goal for the promotion so you can determine its success. Perhaps you want to bump up quote inquiries by 20% or increase visitors’ time spent on the site by 30%. Setting an exact desired outcome will prove just how valuable the promotion is.

Promote All The Posts

Choosing to promote every post will take away the influence a promotion has on your readers. Clients will notice promotions as the best you have to offer. If every single blog post is promoted, it dilutes the exact nature of a promotion – to highlight something special. Select your best content for proud, effective promotion.

One Audience, One Promotion

Your audience isn’t made up of clones, it it? Split-testing your campaigns means getting additional constructive feedback. Utilize the different age groups your products attract or their geographical areas. Until you split-test, a promotion might seem to fail, but in reality you were just focusing on too broad of an audience instead of targeting a certain group.

Promoting posts on your own or with the help of paid social campaigns can positively impact your company in new ways. However, if you’re committing content promotion sins left and right, you’ll be left with no hope. For your next promotion, try to avoid these mistakes to elevate your brand.

Looking for additional marketing advice or a new strategy? Contact Sweet Rose Studios for more!